Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cervical Dystonia Treatment Does Anyone Have Cervical Dystonia?

Does anyone have cervical dystonia? - cervical dystonia treatment

I want feedback from my sisters and brothers there wrong. Which treatment is best for you works. I had 17 operations in the past 3 years, including Medtronic pacemakers. They were removed not because they relieve the pain. What others have to sew Botox injections?


Shaker9 said...

I spent years going to doctors and finally a group has learned online, a specialist in movement disorders diagnosed neurologist.I see essential tremor and was relieved when I said that I had cervical dystonia finally. I started on drugs (Mysoline) increases and Botox shots the next day. Botox works well for me. The pain was more or less a month. Have you tried? It is very expensive if you do not have insurance, but there are other ways to be paid. As the DBMS does not work for you, I've heard is impressive when it works.

hello said...

He is a board member of the support that I would rather have another disease that has the. It seems to had some success with Botox.

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