Monday, December 21, 2009

All Clad Master Chef All Clad MC2 Vs CIA Master's Cookware?

All Clad MC2 vs CIA Master's cookware? - all clad master chef

I decided to spend up to $ 500 on a set of quality pots and pans. I reduced my choice to groups of 10 pieces of All-Clad MC2 and the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) of know-how. Yes, I know All-Clad is top notch, with very few negative comments (some have complained about customer service, and, of course) the price. The notch of the CIA, supposedly superior, so that when you use all students and teachers at the Institute for.

The differences we have seen in the position to the following:
- MC2 manufactured in the U.S., the CIA in China (+1 to All-Clad)
- MC2 added aluminum steel, the CIA has a thin layer of copper in the middle (1 probably the CIA, but since it is too late, it is not like an All-Clad copper core and Mauviel, but it is cheaper)
- From what I read in the comments that dealt with the CIA are more convenient (ICA 1)

This is where I am today. There is a negligible price difference between the games, but all clad raffling off a few presents.

So, if leaders are amateurs or professionals out there, please, GIPu me advice .... Weeble my pot economic Cuisine, and staggers in my stove, and I'm from washing my "never weary-stick pan at Target.


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